肃宁武术戏(Suning Wushu Drama)已于2006年以冀政函〔2006〕77号文(《河北省人民政府关于公布第一批省级非物质文化遗产名录的通知》)入选《河北省第一批省级非物质文化遗产名录》。 Suning Wushu Drama 肃宁武术戏简称武术戏,是河北省的传统戏曲剧种之一, 目前只存在于河北省肃宁县境内,她形成于清朝初年,距今已有三百年历史。明隆庆年间,肃宁武师张子谦率其家人,进京卖艺,结识了南方某昆曲剧团,后又同台演出,时唱时打,多种形式不断融合,形成最初的武术戏,极受欢迎。后张子谦因故率班回到肃宁,当地百姓喜闻乐见,因此附近的高阳、河间等地纷纷效仿,武术戏红极一时。 肃宁武术戏的曲目较多,至清末民初,全县有四十多个村庄都能上演武术戏,其代表剧目有:北大史堤的《燕青打擂》、南大史堤的《三打祝家庄》、王家佐的《五宪徒五妹》、北白寺的《溪皇庄》、宋家佐的《花碧莲拿猴》、寄子庄的《满春园》、东泊庄的《骆洪勋打擂》,共计近五十个曲目,大部分老艺人相继谢世,而现今能演出武术戏的只有北白寺一个村了。 An intangible cultural heritage (ICH) is a practice, representation, expression, knowledge, or skill, as well as the instruments, objects, artifacts, and cultural spaces that are considered by UNESCO to be part of a place's cultural heritage. Intangible cultural heritage is considered by Member States of UNESCO in relation to the tangible World Heritage focusing on intangible aspects of culture. In 2001, UNESCO made a survey among States and NGOs to try to agree on a definition, and the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage was drafted in 2003 for its protection and promotion. In December 2004 China ratified UNESCO's Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and in 2005, under the coordination of the Ministry of Culture, the Office of Ministry Level Joint Conference was established to undertake the work of making the guidelines and policies for Chinese intangible cultural protection, and to examine, approve, and coordinate protection programs for Chinese intangible cultural heritage. As of 2015, China has 38 elements inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The first batch of The National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China, released by the Ministry of Culture on 20 May 2006, included an ambitious 518 different items. Most of the nation’s province-level administrative units followed suit, drawing up lists of their own, as did many municipal- and county-level administrative units such as prefecture-level cities or districts.The number of elements is testament to the tremendous variety of arts and culture found in a country as geographically vast, historically rich, and ethnically diverse as China. It is clear that in order for the many and varied traditions making up the cultural heritages of China to be given the comprehensive attention they deserve, local organizations, government and non-government alike, must play a significant role. 2004年12月,中國認可聯合國教科文組織關於保護非物質文化遺產的公約,並於2005年在文化部的協調下,成立了部際聯席會議,展開對中國非物質文化遺產的保護工作。 截至2015年,中國有38項非物質文化遺產獲聯合國教科文組織的認可,列入人類非物質文化遺產代表作名錄之中。首批中國國務院審批的國家非物質文化遺產名單,由文化部於2006年五月20日發布,包括518項不同的“文化遺產”。其後,不少國內的省級行政單位亦制定了自己的名單,亦因為當有不同省縣級行政單位的參與,許多個別城市特色的文化元素得以顧及,漸漸發展出龐大而豐富的名單,當中遍及具藝術內涵和特色的非物質文化,亦展現出中國歷史豐富,種族多元的一面。 為了讓中國眾多文化特色得到更好的保護,地方單位、政府以至非政府組織都需要互相協調,肩負起守護文化遺產的重要責任。 (本文内容不代表本站观点。) --------------------------------- |